Journey with mafia leader Crow.


This place is what I consider as home. I'd often walk the streets with my niece, Rookie. Times were better when she was with me. I'll have you know, there isn't anyone else that I would share shaved ice with.


It might seem odd, but I fancy the police. They're wary of me, which is understandable, but we all respect eachother's boundaries. There's two chiefs here, a head chief elk, and a vice chief deer.
We'd share a dinner at the local restaurants, and they'd decide to shove strange foods down my beak.


Unfortunately, in Lyon, I got caught up in a few fights. Broke my left wing, couldn't fly for three months.
I'll always remember their faces. It'd be best to watch out.


This is my second home. Or, maybe a vacation home.
Trying to stay away from violence can be difficult for me, but Geneva welcomes me with open-arms, as if I've never done anything wrong. If I were to ever settle down, quit, and relax, it'd be here.
I won't be relaxing any time soon.


I'm not terribly pleased about Bern. It's alright, but there's many crooks coming after me in this region. Particularly, doves.
Those birds are ruthless and have the worst gambling addictions. Not that I'm any better, but I have plenty of money to go around.

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