I appreciate you coming to me with your...concerns...about recent events at the store. I can't tell you how good it is to know that our employees are so interested in keeping our operations above board, but these are some serious allegations.
Thank you for finally agreeing to see me Mr. Mesto. I started to think that I was going crazy, but then HR sent me that letter and it sounded like they knew something about it, and it all seems so clear. I was hoping you could clear things up.
What is going on here?
I understand that you were disconcerted due to the innapropriate response to your complaint about our new contracts. We would never do anything to jeopardize the trust and loyalty of our customers. Careful now, you risk besmirching our good name.
I'm going to be honest, all of this has really freaked me out. I tell HR that our credit cards are literally taking ownership of people's souls and I get some auto-generated message about it?! At best it sounds like you're exploiting good people who trust our company.
I can't allow that
I assure you that we do not provide any unethical services or force any kind of agreement on our customers that they do not desire. We offer a choice; it's amazing what a person will give up for material gains. They're not so different from yourself.
If it's all the same to you, I'll be putting in my two weeks notice. Nobody cares that there seems to be some really heinous shit going on around here. I can't be like the other associates who have been here for 20 years. Or you, you're like a part of the store.
You will never leave this place
Think about it, you are just as much a part of this place as the rest of us. Two years is more than enough time. In fact, I'm almost impressed at your resilience. You're already changing; the only reason you've seen the things you have is because you have already succumbed to us here at Mephistopheles & Co.
I won't push debt and binding contracts on people who probably don't even know what they are getting themselves into. I'm just doing my job, you're the ones making us do more and more work with less and less people, selling things that people don't need to people who can't afford them.
This place is HELL
We do not coerce, cajole, threaten, or maim those who do not wish to do business with us. The soul business slowed down considerably at the turn of the century, it only made sense to expand into other markets. And now you're in too deep. This may be Hell, but if you leave you will know a new meaning of the word.
I will never be like you. I am going to plaster everything I've seen on every news and social media outlet that will listen. People will know exactly what you're doing taking from them with your contracts and how dangerous you are. You'll never be able to do business again. I will end you.