1. By submitting this application I ask that Milgans Department Store issue me a credit card.

By signing this contract I agree to exchange my soul for a credit card.

2. I certify that I have received, read and agree to all Terms and Conditions set by Milgans Department Store.

I waive all rights to challenge this contract and accept all potential consequences.

3. I consent to Milgans contacting me about my account and provide information about my account to approved parties.

I relinquish all freedom of will, and safety from visitation by interested parties.

4. Milgans may obtain information from others about me to evaluate my application and review, maintain, or collect on my account.

All information about me and my family are yours to know and manipulate.

5. I understand that if my application is approved, Milgans Department Store will win any legal dispute and will collect on all credit extended.

I understand that if the contract is accepted, Mephistopheles & Co. will control my life and have claim over my mortal soul.

Sign Here:

Applicant:                                   Manager:

Victim:                                                         Overlord: