Southern Region

Environment in Southern Region


Weather patterns in the Southern region are predominantly mild and conducive to life, with ample rainfall nurturing the dense vegetation...

Weather in Southern Region


The climate fosters a biodiverse ecosystem, where the Starlight Blossom illuminates the night with its luminescent petals...

Environment in Southern Region Culture in Southern Region


The Southern region's vibrant communities thrive in harmony with their surroundings, embodying a solar punk ethos...

Landmarks in Southern Region


Natural landmarks, such as the Whispering Waterfalls and the Verdant Overlook, offer breathtaking vistas...

Creatures and Plants

The fauna here, like the Canopy Glider and the Fauna Bear, showcases adaptations that ensure their survival in this lush environment...

Creatures in Southern Region Creatures in Southern Region

For more detailed information about these creatures, head to the fauna section on the home page. Information about this regions plants can be found in the flora section on the home page.