The Wastes Region

Weather in The Wastes


Weather patterns in The Wastes are extreme, with scorching heat during the day and cold temperatures at night...

Weather in The Wastes


The vast, arid deserts and barren wastelands define the environment here, where water is a scarce resource...

Environment in The Wastes


Discover the remnants of past civilizations and the unique adaptations of the inhabitants who navigate this challenging landscape...

Culture in The Wastes Culture in The Wastes

Despite the awful conditions of the Wastes, there are many who venture into the region to gather the valuble artificats and technologies of past civilizations. Small settlements can be found scarcely across the expanses of The Wastes, along with those brave enough to venture into the heart of the region.


Landmarks in The Wastes

Hidden oases and mysterious caves provide rare sanctuaries of life amidst the ruins that pepper the landscape...

Creatures and Plants

Adapted to extreme conditions, creatures like the Sandshifter Beetle and the Waste Hound exemplify resilience and ingenuity...

Creatures in The Wastes Creatures in The Wastes

For more detailed information about these creatures, head to the fauna section on the home page. Information about this regions plants can be found in the flora section on the home page.