PowerPoint Slides are Ready

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Thank you all for taking DTC 336.  It was great to meet students I did not yet know and see the ones I have not seen since summer (or last spring).

As promised, I put Powerpoint versions of all slides I showed last night on the “Slides” page of this website.  I also put those for next week there as well.  I did not add them to the syllabus page, so please refer to the Slides page when you are looking for Powerpoint versions of our slides.

If you were not in class last night, please catch up by reading the assignment for next week, going through all of the slides from the first night to the second class meeting (there are six total).  Be sure to read the definitions that I have hyperlinked for you on the syllabus.  To prepare for your first activity, read through the first assignment and acquaint yourself with the Apple Developers Guide and the assignment.  And most importantly, familiarize yourself with PhotoShop.

There is a quiz at the beginning of the class, so be prepared!