

The ABC news clip showed was very simple compared to the 2008 clip. The 1990 clip has some color that was in the titles. The text that was used for the headings and subtitles was very plain and simple. There were some video clips and some interviews that the story would go to. The entire time the clip was playing it was being narrated by the newscaster. The images on the screen were also very blurry. This newscast also dealt with a very serious global topic.

The Oprah news clip was more complex. There was text streaming across the bottom of the screen the entire time and there were multiple fonts. In this clip there were multiple interviews showed on the same screen and they were live interviews instead of just video clips. Also as they were conducting the interview they would go to video clips and show statistics on the screen. The topic that was discussed in this news clip is not as serious as the ABC clip.

Though these clips both show news they are very different in level of complexity because of advances in technology.

“Its point-and-click interface allows the developer to reorganize texts and images taken from books, magazines, film or television, but the reorganization does not call into question the character of a text or the status of an image.” (Pg. 79) While this is talking about a computer the same principle is shown in the clips. Even though the Oprah video clip was not a serious topic because it is news we do not question it or the images incorporated in the clip.

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