24 Hours: Quitting Cold-Turkey


I wouldn’t consider myself to be someone who is dependent on technology, but this last week I discovered I was. It was very difficult to go 24 hours without using technology. I use to read in my spare time (when I had some) and having a break from technology allowed me to actually read a book that wasn’t required! I had a great sense of freedom and I was able to relax. I definitely was tempted to pull up Netflix, nonetheless I did enjoy having time to separate myself from the internet. I realized that this temporary separation was beneficial. First, I was more calm and relaxed. There wasn’t a notification on Facebook to distract me or a email I needed to reply to immediately. Second, I was able to spend my time with ‘real’ things, like my family and pets. This pause from my x-reality allowed me to improve my relationship with my family. I agree that digital technology makes us cyborgs by improving our lives, such as communication, but it also creates a barrier to the people around us. We are so plugged into social media with our avatars it is difficult to experience real life. Sometimes our x-realities become mostly digital realities and we become separated from the people closest to us. A break from technology has allowed me to experience my physical reality. I did miss technology and I would not be able to separate myself forever, but a break is sometimes needed to relax.

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