Blog Post 12


I didn’t find this assignment all that difficult. I was fortunate enough to have this assignment assigned on a day when I did not have work or school work. If I were to do this assignment on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday then I would be in trouble because my work contacts do not have my home phone number to tell me details about when I work. I thought it was easy to find alternative forms of entertainment. I am very active in sports and the community so I did not need to rely on technology to waste the time of the day. But none the less I do think I am reliant on technology for work, school, and activities. I’d imagine that people without the same advantage I have would have a much more difficult time doing homework and searching for jobs. I’d imagine they would have to use sources like books, magazines, and newspapers from around town to research jobs or school assignments. Since online applications wouldn’t be accessible without a computer or smart phone a person would have to travel to the job place in order to apply. For job searches and housing the newspaper would be the best resource because it has a section devout to job applications and available apartments and houses.

So many users of smart phones and computers have become so reliant on technology to complete daily tasks. According to Donna Haraway, these people are living in an “x-reality.” Those in countries where the technology is not availableĀ or unaffordable, have limited access to the changing world around them. Everyday these people get further behind in the technological revolution.

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