Locative Art

The three sources I used to research locative art were Wikipedia, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, and the WSU WorldCat.  I had never heard of Leonardo Electronic Almanac before, and I expected to find the most information on the subject through Wikipedia.

The Locative Art search on Leonardo Electronic Almanac did not go so well.  I could not find a clear article describing what it was or what how is was being viewed in art culture.  I was a little on the fence using this search site because I had never used it before either, so I didn’t expect much from it.

The Wikipedia was not very helpful because it came up with a search of Locative media so I was confused at first wondering if this was the actual topic I was needing to search.  After reading it, the article somewhat explained what it actually was, but it was not totally clear.  This was due to the fact it was not 100% about the topic.  Wikipedia is always somewhat of a gamble to use, but as long as you double check the sources the information is coming from, it can be very useful for research.

The WorldCat search I did through the University Library I expected to somewhat of a broad selection of search results that involved the locative art or anything slightly to do with it. I ended up only getting three search results though.  This must be because the idea behind locative art must be a new concept so not much is written about it.

Overall, I did not find much on the topic of locative art in general.


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