Capstone Project Idea

I will be looking into why society seems to have lost its appreciation for classical music. It seems that most of society has lost their ability to appreciate music with movements and parts. The weaving of sound to tell a story has been replaced by the three to five minute song about shaking your “badonkadonk”.

To accomplish this I will use a sound file and a video mashup. The sound file will demonstrate the raw beauty of the classical music genre. The video mashup will take the beauty of that audio and pair it up with images to show how well it tells a story.

The layout of my site should reflect classical music as an art form and will present visual characteristics that represent the instruments which make that music. There will need to be content beyond the media that is a part of the assignment. For this I will summarize a few supporting articles such as this one:

And this response:

This content will assist me in directing the viewer to understand how much classical music is still important to our society. It is found in movies, video games, and is the foundation for most all modern music.

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