Capstone Project Idea

I am going to do my Capstone project on Palm Oil and how it is affecting the environment, animals, and even people. The biggest thing with harvesting palm oil is the deforestation that is decreasing the population of many different species (i.e. Orangutans and Elephants). By using sustainable palm oil plantations we can help save these species from becoming endangered and even extinct. Due to the burning of the forests, we are increasing global warming and are producing one of the largest sources of  green house gases.

In this project I hope to use image files, sound files, and potentially even video files to help portray how manufactures and companies who include palm oil in their products are damaging the world around us. These will help me portray my message and hopefully help people understand what is happening around us

I also want to include that manufactures and companies are now looking into sustainable sources of palm oil so that we are not negatively affecting our environment or anything around us. Companies just need to be aware of what is happening and how it can be prevented.

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