Megan’s Capstone Project

The topic I will be further elaborating on for my DTC capstone project will have to do with the controversial topic of animals being held in captivity such as zoos and aquariums, specifically focusing on whales and dolphins. Whales and dolphins are highly intelligent animals who want and need to live in complex social groups. In captivity they will usually have been separated from their families, often in cruel hunts and some when they are very young. Wild whales and dolphins can swim up to 100 miles a day, hunting and playing. In captivity they have very little space and cannot behave naturally. A concrete tank can never replace their immensely large ocean home. There have been many incidents involving trainers and other humans who have been interacting with these wild animals and tragically died horrifying and gruesome deaths, not because these animals are evil or intentionally trying to kill them, but because they are driven into a depression state or because they are acting as if they would in the wild.

In regards to the content that my capstone project will be made up of, I will be using a video to show most of the issues because I think it’ll be able to show what it most important about the topic, also I believe that creating videos using premiere was one my stronger areas that we worked on. I will also be creating images on photoshop and/or illustrator to make “poster” like images that portray the importance of the cause.

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