Nathan Oldenburg Assignment 18

For my capstone project I plan to use a short 2-minute long infographic / video, and an podcast like audio track to discuss the regulations of Electronic Cigarettes/Personal vaporizers that have been purposed in the state of Washington. For most people, e-cigarettes are hardly understood, thought to be much more dangerous than cigarettes, and marketed toward children (to name a few of the claims made by media and the uninformed).

What I plan to do in my project is explain just what the Washington regulations, if passed, will do to the vaping community. The regulations that are purposed have been said to be the toughest in the country, and there are quite a few people who rely on vaping to stay off tobacco cigarettes (analogs) themselves. If these regulations passed, the availability of vaping supplies would decrease and the amount of brick and mortar shops will close due to higher taxes and reduced business (also due to higher taxes). Luckily enough the bill for the house, or the senate, has not passed.

It is important I feel to have all the facts on what is happening in your community, and the media has been spreading false claims about the e-cigarette industry. My goal is to correctly inform those who want to know.

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