Riley’s Capstone


The topic for my DTC capstone project that I have chosen to work with is video games or video games and society, if necessary more specifically in terms of popular culture. I wish to explain the history of gaming and the gaming culture it has created. I would also like to talk about how gaming has changed society and, and the differing view points within society on how to treat video games, either as an evil child corrupting force or as many in the gaming culture would consider it, a form of art work in its own right.


For media objects pertaining to the project I have several options. For my newly generated object I could take a digital photograph of myself or someone else and enhance it and digitally alter it in an artistic way, which either conveys my and other people’s feelings toward gaming or something that just looks cool. For my second object I would put together a video that shows a timeline of games and gaming culture, using clips from games and lets plays, videos and images of events like Comic-Con and Pax, and music files to create a gaming trailer like timeline. I could also put together an informational video including stats about gaming and opposition to it, which includes supposed health concerns. If I didn’t do that in a video I would include that information, in the text of my site.

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