Mike Ross Capstone Project

What I plan on doing for my capstone project is the evolution of Batman as a social icon. There are many forms of Batman that have evolved over time and he has fit in with the culture going back as far as sixty years ago. He has encountered cultural icons good and evil such as Hitler, Predator, and even Robin Hood. The many lives of Batman has gone from him protecting Gotham to fighting in the war. Batman has also evolved in his rules, as before he would be able to kill criminals but now he has one rule which is not to kill anyone. He is the most popular super hero of all time and with no real super powers is an icon to this day with kids and adults all over.

I plan on using Adobe Premier to make a video of the evolution of Batman. I will have small movie clips of the Batman series from over time as well as interviews from Comic Book lovers such as people who own local comic book stores in the Vancouver Portland Area. I will interview other people as well asking why they like Batman the best and who Batman is to them. Most people now a days say Christian Bale but Adam West is always another one. I will also be using Adobe Photoshop to make a collage of the different Batmans and Batman symbols. Make a Website I will have my video embedded with the Photoshop picture as well. I will have about 3 navigation’s on my website. One for the video, One for the collage and One with the “About Batman” quick narrative.

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