Emily Field Capstone Project

The topic I’ve chosen is fairly open and not overly controversial, although there are subtopics within it that do tend to be controversial. For example, there is currently a trend of “No Poo”- short for “No Shampoo” and people are choosing to replace their shampoo with other household products like Baking Soda and Vinegar. Personally, I’ve learned that professional shampoos are designed for your hair with a pH balance that matches that of your hair to keep it healthy and moisturized. I would never replace my shampoo for something like Baking Soda and Vinegar that will strip your hair of natural oils and seems extremely damaging. See this link for more info about “No Poo” and some healthier alternatives:

Does the “No ‘Poo Method” Damage Hair?


In regards to hair color trends, I found this article interesting about Balayage and it’s transition into popularity:


Here’s an example of a natural toned Balayage:

Hair coloration ideas for brunettes








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