Final Project

Explained in two parts; the German Blitzkrieg (Lightning War). A term coined by western journalists to explain German offensive maneuvers during World War II which were very successful against the Allies. Germany had no doctrine called “the Blitzkrieg” but it was rather a collection of both older ideas and innovative ideas on how to do warfare. Blitzkrieg is used today to explain this complex system and many of its concepts are very important to militaries today as well as used by the Allies later in the war.

The goal of these videos is to roughly explain the “German Blitzkrieg” which has become a bit of a mythical subject. The word Blitzkrieg in and of itself is a sort of magic word that means attacking super fast which put simply is not exactly what it was (that there was no magic behind it but rather was a combination of many basic strategies which were direct counters to Allied Strategy). I wanted to sort of debunk the belief that Germany defeated the Allies early on because their technology (tanks, planes, weapons) were better, that they overwhelmed their opponents with numbers or simply flanked around the Maginot line. When it came more down to such things as leadership, communication and less micromanagement which really made the German’s offensives efficient.

My second goal of course is to hopefully do this in an entertaining way which at the same time will educate the viewer.

Part 1: The early phases of a Blitzkrieg (After Effects)




Part 2: The final phases of a Blitzkrieg (Remix)




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