Capstone Project: Cody Moncur

Veteran Suicide
For my capstone project, I want to shed light on the issue of veteran suicide. Concern over veteran suicide has been brought to light in recent months as new statistics show a growing trend in the rate which suicides occur within the veteran demographic. At this point in time, 22 veterans take their own life every single day. To look at that through a different perspective, that means that almost one US veteran per hour will take their own life. While the numbers themselves are quite shocking, research has not concluded yet what the cause is for this trend.

For my capstone project, I want to focus my research and creation on two main facets. The first through a personalized project that is done in remembrance of a close friend of mine and fellow veteran who took his own life two months ago, and the second through an informative analysis of current suicide statistics. The first project will be in the form of an audio file that includes quotes from the friend himself within a song that is written in the style that the friend enjoyed to listen to and perform. The second project will come in the form of a informational graphic. Both projects will be wrapped in a modern single-page scrolling website.

Capstone Project- Theatre Education Benefits

Schools today have long been a place no has enjoyed going to. There has been more emphasis on passing rather than learning. Due to funding issues, many classes such as theatre have been cut. Theatre has held an important role in students lives however theatre classes have been diminishing over time due to many people thinking that it has no place in the current curriculum.

Not many people know that theatre not only allows a student to become more creative but it teaches students to have more confidence and they can speak to adults much better. It also improves student’s academic performance. Students who have been in a theatre class score much higher in the SAT than students who haven’t taken those classes. They’re attendance is much better as well. 61% of students are more likely to go to college and the drop out rate goes from 22% to 4%. All-in-all, the main focus of this project is the benefits theatre has in high school and how it ties into the real world.

For this project, I will produce a remixed video of various speeches made in favor of theatre education and an improved infographic with statistics and additional information about this issue.

Capstone Project: Drowsy Driving

Insomnia and sleeplessness lead to some very dire consequences when coupled with the operation of a two ton vehicle. Contrary to popular assumption, drowsy driving is no better than drunk driving. At least 100,000 auto collisions per year can be linked to it and over 70,000 people are injured annually because of it.

Instead of risking injury, damage, or death, motorists must consider a few simple approaches to staving off the effects of drowsy driving. Caffeine. If a driver is starting to feel tired they should drink 1-2 8oz cups of coffee and wait 30 minutes before driving. Take a quick nap on the side of the road. It will always be safer to pull over and get some much needed rest before driving further and endangering one’s self or others. Take regular breaks when driving for long stretches at a time. Frequent stops allow the driver to get out of the car, walk around, grab a beverage, and feel refreshed.

For my capstone project I intend to create an animated infographic discussing the statistics of drowsy driving accidents, the conditions that cause drowsy driving, and what motorists can do to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they run the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel.

In addition to the animated infographic, I will create a static infographic image incorporating the same key focuses from above, but in direct relation to the trucking industry.


Capstone Project: Salice, Rosie

Addiction as a disease.
For my Capstone I want to focus on social issues regarding the use of legal and illegal drugs. Addressing psychological and social ramification of use of psychoactive substances. There is a necessity to understand the neurological changes that occur from long-term use. On a social level there is a profoundly negative stigma on addiction. Social education and awareness on the hard science behind substance use can help to reform the way such illness are approached and treated. One of the most fundamental ways this is apparent is by the changes ‘use’ has on neuronal pathways. One of the primary pathways effected by substance abuse is the “Reward Pathway” also know as the mesolimbic dopamine pathway. This pathway is responsible for processing reward and motivation. A memory forms due toexperiences such as repeated substance use. These memories conciously and unconciously reinforce drug-seeking behavior and distract from naturally rewarding experiences.
For my two media forms for the Capstone project, I plan to create an infographic and a form of remix file. For the remix file I plan to utilize both video and audio. For my infographic I plan to develop graphics within Adobe Illustrator and further refinment within After Effects. Making point to call attention to the vital need for education fundamentally allow for the public educated decisions. Social reform in which reassesses the nature of abuse and reconceptualizies addiction as a ‘disease’ process.

Capstone Project

Throughout history film and media has always been dominated by men. From writers to directors, to producers and finally actors men have been the frontrunners for each role. In the twentieth century women have risen through the ranks to take a spot next to these men and make their mark but even today are still very much under represented. Most positions even today are still dominated by men. Female representation in film and media is important to not just young women but to society as a whole. Globally, there are 2.24 male characters for every 1 female character. In order for us to see a change in how women are viewed we need to see them more represented in our films, tv shows, and other media. We also must keep in mind that in order for us to fully have female representation in film and media that includes women of color and minorities as well. For my Capstone project I am going to create an animated infographic depicting the issues today we face with female representation but also the lengths we have come and need to continue. I’m also going to create an infographic in Illustrator as well that will tie into the animation.

Capstone proposal

Star Wars has long been part of the cultural fabric ever since the 1970’s. it has woven its way across the world and recently its popularity has skyrocketed. Few years ago George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney for a mere 4 billion dollars and now Disney has created a whole new slate of content with a new movie being their flagship. The movie has been shot and now we are getting closer to the premier. A trailer for the upcoming movie has dropped along with pre-ticket sales. That’s about when the Internet crashed. This movie has quickly become an event unlike any other big tent-pole film. Somehow this film has captured the movie going audience and has now become the can’t miss event of the year. I want to take a closer look into this phenomenon and see how this has transpired; by using a remix video and images created through illustrator I hope I will be able to show people how crazy the world is for this thing called “Star Wars”. The numbers that have already emerged from this movie are staggering, from shutting down the internet to outselling previous records by up to ten times! This movement has captured the worlds attention and I hope to shed some light as to why.

After World-War 2, around the late 1940’s through 60’s, our population went through major growth. This generation that is now in their late 50’s-60’s is termed then baby boomer generation, and they are getting older. What this mean’s, in short, is an increased strain on our healthcare system, yet the current trend is that we have less and less doctors in our system with an ever increasing population. I want to highlight this, along with how our current educational institutions are charging an ever increasing price for the schooling of our aspiring students/doctors. This field is a necessity for every country, why are we making it so good people can’t afford to do it?

Along with an informational website to house my media content, I plan to also include a infographic/animation to animate the striking facts about this, and also remix video hopefully from a documentary or two with different people speaking of the need for doctors.

Lauren Stimson’s Capstone Project Plan

For my capstone project, I am going to focus on the subject of common-core math, also known as “new-new math.” Common-core math has become a subject of great contention. On one side, there are those who believe that common-core math is easier for non-math enabled children and thus is a step in the direction of student success. Meanwhile, others believe that common core introduces tougher concepts at a lower level, in turn advancing students faster and allowing them to become smarter and more successful. However, not everyone is in favor of common-core math. A section of people believe that common-core overcomplicates math, making simple concepts incredibly difficult and causes issues with learning. These people also claim that common-core math takes illogical and longer routes to solving simple problems. For my project, I intend to show both sides of the argument. However, my research has shown favor towards the people against common-core math.

For my two media pieces, I will be using an original infographic and a video mash. In the infographic, I intend to present both sides of the issue, their facts, observations, and opinions. I think this will work well because it will be straightforward and I can use a voiceover to help explain things. For the video, I will find news stories and clip them into a video showing what the media is portraying the issue and different sides like. I feel these media types are best because they include visuals (math is visual) and audio (to explain the visuals).

Capstone Project Plan: Blog Post

For my Capstone Project I am interested in the topic of Cyberbullying.This is a occurrence that has started being an issue in the 21st century because of all the technology that was created. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar. Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. The best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. There are a number of things school staff can do to make schools safer and prevent bullying. I am going to represent this huge issue with an animation, and an infographic. In the animation I can show what goes on with cyberbullying and the interactions behind the screen that takes place. For the infographic I am going to manufacture an impactful image that makes the reader feel they should stand up against cyberbullying.

Edson Munoz-Capstone Project

Mental health is a problem that has existed for a very long time. Unfortunately, mental health seems to only get talked about when something tragic like a mass shooting happens. For my Capstone Project I want to focus on spreading awareness on mental health as well as including a call to action. It is mind boggling to think that in 2013, an estimated 43.8 million adults dealt with mental illness. Yet, not many people know about our mental health system. For example, not many people know that two million Americans with mental illness end up in jail, which means there are ten times more people in jail then in psychiatric hospitals. The two possible forms of media that I will be using in my project are an animated infographic and an audio mashup. I feel like an animated infographic is a perfect way to inform people about my issue. . In it I want to explain a bit of the history of how the government has dealt with this issue and what it is currently doing. I want it to contain many shocking facts that people did not know about. For my second media form, I want to possibly create a mashup containing expert opinion on the the topic as well as testimonials. I am aware that it may be hard to find audio recordings about my topic online, so I am open to the possibility of finding some local doctors that study this issue and conduct interviews with them.