Jessica Smith Capstone

For my capstone project I will take a popular subject and use it to elaborate on a serious issue, in this case the comparison of the state of peoples’ well-being under consumer culture and the portrayal of zombies in media.

While the U.S. expresses concern and care for individuals’ well-being, its strong focus on consumer culture tends to disregard this, especially regarding the balance of work and personal life, livable wages, and other factors. Such a culture supports the creation of mindless consumers and generally inflicts harm on mental health. A popular aid for understanding such issues appears in films and movies featuring a popular fascination, zombies: mindless, instinct-driven, slow husks of what used to be a lively individuals. Media, such as the TV series The Walking Dead which averages roughly ten million viewers every episode, provide a comparison to how people sometimes feel and appear in our consumer culture. While bringing up the entertaining topic of TV and zombies can come across as fun, the subject matter we delve into reveals serious issues. The way we see zombies act resembles the mindless consumer culture that we live in today. Taking that into thought, we can see how the mental well-being of individuals is harmed.

For this project I will create an infographic poster and remixed video. The infographic will provide convey the occurrence of anxiety and depression disorders using visuals. Meanwhile, the video will focus on revealing similarities between people under the influence of consumer culture to that of zombies through clips from media.

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