Nathaniel’s Capstone Project

I wanted to focus my capstone project on marketing. I know that marketing is a very broad topic and I was thinking in what way can I narrow this topic. I love how marketing has truly change in the new age of social media. Now marketing a new product is just as easy as posting a tweet saying how the company came up with a new product or posting a picture on Instagram. I wanted to look into how marketing has changed throughout history, and how now it has been revolutionized through this new day and age of social media.
I will be looking into the history of marketing and how has that been perceived by society. I have chosen to use a Remixed video and an Infographic file showing how this topic correlates with one another. One question that I have been having is Should big business stop spending so much money on other marketing strategies and just stick with social media? I would like to explore this more in depth to see how truly close marketing works hand and hand with social media. Would we no longer need big advertisements agencies? All we need is an audience and a clever #hashtag now days.

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