Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I am going to explore the different stereotypes that are often looked over such as, gender roles and cultural differences. I will be choosing two movies to look at, Pocahontas and The Little Mermaid. Disney is considered to be a safe zone as a culture to show children growing up. Watching the films now makes me wonder how Disney got away with stereotypes in the past. The two media objects that I am going to use are an infographic and a remixed video. The infographic will contain a picture of the two characters with blurbs that will point out stereotypes such as, being thin with long hair and beautiful are features that being a Disney princess requires. For the remixed video I will find clips from the two movies that are examples of stereotypes and gender roles that are displayed in the films. On the website the first page will be an about page that gives a brief summary of what my topic will be about as well as photos. The second page will be of the infographic as well as the remixed video. Lastly, the third page will display the references where I retrieved my findings.


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