Capstone Project: Student debt crisis

My capstone project is on student debt crisis in the U.S.
Students at Washington state university and throughout many colleges and universities across the country suffer with loan problems. Tuition has sky rocketed from a few years ago causing more students to take out loans. According to the Economist student debt exceeded $1.2trilion in 2014. The direction I decided to follow is to answers the following questions in my project: Does the amount of money students spend on their tuition go back into their pockets? Why is student debt a major problem in the country? What can we do to solve this problem? And what are countries with tuition-free universities doing that we can replicate? My goal is to use some comparison and contrast methods on how much our degrees matter, as well as include statistics to show the effect and consequences of student debt in the long run. I chose this subject because it is a relevant issue in our everyday lives as students and after college. The two media objects I will include in my project are: a continuity video montage and an infographic file. I will incorporate designs and remixes of different files to help visually represent data. Probably add a short video of personal stories with student debt. In addition add a timeline graph to show the trend with tuition increase in the United States. I believe the use of these media relate to each other as it will help better explain the subject matter.

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