Capstone Project Blog Post

For my Capstone Project, I’m going to adapt an academic paper to a website that includes an animation and remixed video. The paper will be written by me and will discuss what I call the Indie Game Maker (IGM) Problem. This boils down to the idea that indie game makers are thought of as occupying a privileged position of personal artistic expression through the games they create (often by themselves or with very small teams), however the participatory nature of digital games resituates much of the authority of the author to the player. Thus, the IGM is an anomaly, trapped in a liminal space between opposing conceptions of the author: the first as gate-keeper of official meaning, and the second as facilitator of the meaning-making process.

My argument focuses on two games by Davey Wreden: The Stanley Parable (2013) in which players choose whether or not to follow the narrator’s story, and The Beginner’s Guide (2015), a curated series of games through which players are guided in an attempt to understand the games’ creator.

For this project, I’d like utilize some of the technologies from DTC 201 to present my argument in ways that the traditional academic paper won’t allow, such as creative ways to incorporate sources. For instance, I plan to animate a sequence that explains the idea of the textual machine from Espen Aarseth’s Cybertext rather than just block quoting the source. I’d also like to create a mash-up of scenes from the two games to assist in my close readings of them, hopefully expressing the similarities and differences in a more engaging way than simply writing could produce.

Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project I am going to look at the issues surrounding cosmetics testing on animals. Cosmetics testing on animals is something that has been a controversial topic for many years. The majority of cosmetics testing usually includes tests for skin sensitization, skin irritation or corrosion, eye irritation or corrosion, and acute oral toxicity. With the project I am hoping to provide information on why cosmetics testing on animals is bad and why it should be stopped. The two media objects that I am going to use are the remix video and the infographic file. The infographic file is going to be like a formatted almost like a pamphlet. It will have information and statistics on cosmetics testing on animals including the kinds of tests performed, the types of animals that are used, how many of the animals die in these tests on a daily and yearly basis, how the tests are administered, etc. The remix video will be a combination of facts and pictures and it is going to include roughly the same information as the infographic. The remix video will also, hopefully, serve as a call to action to do something about the cosmetics testing on animals. The infographic is going to be on the second page of the html document and it is going to have a link to the video. The link is going to open up the third html document where the video is. With this project I will raise awareness about animal testing.

Capstone Project: Student Loan Debt

For my capstone project I want to discuss the social issue of the increase in college student loan debt and the disadvantages it creates on the economy and students after graduation. In 2014, seven in ten students graduated with student loan debt with an average of $28,950 per borrower. Students with major debt after college tend to postpone marriage, childbearing, home ownership, and the desire to open new businesses and endure the risks of entrepreneurship. #InTheRed is a campaign addressing a need for better higher education affordability. RED stands for the implement of the Reducing Education Debt act created by select democratic senators. The Red act plans on encouraging 2 years of tuition free community college and student loan refinancing at lower interest rates.

The two media objects that I will present in my project are an infographic file, as well as a remixed video with some animation within. My infographic file is going to introduce the topic and provide graphs and charts that I make within photoshop and illustrator to show the increase in student debt over time. The infographic is gong to introduce the Reducing Education Debt act and provide a section of other organizations that have contributed towards finding ways to eliminate student debt. One of these organizations is SponsorChange which allows graduates to get involved in volunteer volunteer projects, donors then help the students chip away at their student debt in return for their volunteer work. The remixed video is going to include different news clips of democratic senators discussing #InTheRed and other personal stories of individuals and how student debt has impacted and/or hindered their life after graduation.