Brianna Rizzi Capstone Project

My capstone will cover the subject of the accidents and health problem stemming from using smartphones too long. Technology has come a long way from being too expensive to be a household product to easy access from the palm of your hand. This advancement in human technology, although great, it comes with the bad (the saying “too much of a good thing can become bad” comes to mind). Some people become so obsessed with their smartphones that they can’t seem to keep away from them for a long period of time, even leading to mental/physical issues and accidents. Accidents include bikers texting while on their motorcycles (this includes drivers and bicycle riders), people walking while glued to their screens and dropping phones on their face while reading in bed. Using smartphones too much for too long can cause eye problems that potentially leads to blindness, to a condition where excessive use of smart devices can lead to pains to the wrists and hands and even problems to our neck and spine.

I’m going to make an animation, maybe a character that gets into similar situations as those who get into smartphone related accidents, along with texts that show percentages of accidents that happen. I’ll also add in an info-graphic file that show these situations, physical and mental (social too?). Info-graphic will be more informational than the animation, the animation will just show examples of these issues that come from excessive use of smartphones, which will tie in with the whole theme of the website that will center around my subject.

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