Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I will focus on the social issue of climate change. According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Climate change is any substantial change in Earth’s climate that lasts for an extended period of time.” Thus, not only does climate change pose a threat to us today, it will cause even greater harm to future generations if it cannot be mitigated immediately. In fact, prominent political figures such as Senator Bernie Sanders and President Barack Obama have stated that climate change is the biggest threat facing both our nation and the world today. Climate change is a very big deal!

To convey the importance of what climate change is doing to our environment, I will produce both an infographic and remixed video that contain shocking statistics and information to support my claims. Both media objects can be easily embedded in the website that I create and they will strongly illustrate the dangers of climate change. I envision that the infographic will be newly generated by me and it will consist of short facts placed over an image. Alternatively, the remixed video will consist of many short Creative Commons video clips that I will put together to present a visual story of the devastating impacts of climate change. I hope that my two media object along with my website dedicated to the impact of climate change will open people’s eyes and inspire them to take action for their own wellbeing, in addition to the well-being of their children, grandchildren.

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