Capstone Proposal

With the rise of mobile devices, people are able to stay connected to one another more easily than ever before. Unfortunately, with this advancement in technology, people have began using this freedom everywhere, even while driving. In 2014 by itself, there were 3,129 distracted driving related deaths. Most advertisements on television and the internet focus on teens as the culprits behind distracted driving. As teens make up a lot of the statistics given on this topic, they don’t represent the whole picture. After some research, I’m sure I’ll find that this demographic isn’t the only group practicing unsafe driving habits.
For my capstone project, I will focus on distracted driving as a whole. With research into the topic, I will begin to uncover what steps are being taken to reduce distracted driving.
In terms of what I’ll be producing for this project, I’ve decided that I want to make an animation, and an infographic. This project will be statistic driven, so I plan on taking advantage of this by creating an infographic that will encapsulate these stats. For my animation, I want the viewer to witness the actual impact of distracted driving. I will use images of horrendous car crashes and other pictures that are a result from distracted driving. I’m hoping to make this animation as dramatic as possible, to really drive my point across.
With this capstone project, it is my aim to raise awareness on distracted driving.

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