Nic Stevens – Capstone Proposal

Drinking and driving has been an issue for many years, and unfortunately has only been getting worse. I thought it would be interesting to address the consequences of drinking and driving such as injuries, deaths, DUIs, jail time, fines, suspended license. The two media projects I was planning to create were going to include the infographic file as well as an animation. They are both relative to each other because I want to relay a strong message that will stick with my audience in these two mediums.

 The infographic is going to pose as an ad, and contain a simple caption, however the image below the caption will be powerful. An idea that I had for the infographic includes two things. The caption will say something such as “Don’t Drink and Drive”, or “The Faster You Drink, The Faster You Crash”. I will then have a picture of a medium/close up shot of an individual drinking a full glass of beer. Inside of the beer, I am planning on drawing a car using Adobe Illustrator and make it look like the car is crashing into the individual’s face. I may also use Adobe Photoshop to make the face look damaged around the lips. This will relay a simple, yet powerful message to my audience.

The animation will show various statistics. I am also trying to develop a script to possibly contain a cartoon skit demonstrating the consequences of drinking and driving.



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