Capstone Project – The Digital Divide

For my capstone project I will be focusing on the digital divide which is a social and economic issue that is of interest to me due to the nature of my degree. The digital divide is a gap that exists between certain demographics and regions that have access to information and communications technology and those that do not or have restricted access. As technology continues to advance in first world countries the gap only grows, keeping those who do not have access to such technologies lagging behind as those with access race forward.

A few things that are being done right now to improve digital access include increasing internet availability, donations to schools that are helping to improve the digital literacy of children, and the distribution of mobile devices to improve the efficiency of farming and other work in remote areas. With this project I hope to bring attention to these causes and contribute to growing awareness of the issue. To do this I will maintain a Twitter feed with related information, create an infographic that illustrates the information I collect, and create a video mash up of existing media about the topic.


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