Sheldon Minor – Capstone Project

I recently heard someone in a class of mine say a documentary that doesn’t change the way you think, didn’t do what it was supposed to do. I considered myself an environmentalist before watching Cowspiracy for the first time. I was informed, I took precautions to limit my carbon footprint, and I used social media to share news about the challenges our planet faces as a result of climate change. Then, with a single quote, I realized I was living a lie.

“You can’t be an environmentalist and eat animal products — period.” After delving deeper into research on the consequences of animal agriculture, I made the decision to make a major change in my life and eliminate animal products from my diet. Now is the chance for me to spread the word to a new audience.

Livestock and other animal byproducts account for nearly 20 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions. The next time you eat a hamburger, consider that it takes 660 gallons of water to produce that beef patty. But when there is a drought, they say ‘take shorter showers’ and ‘water your lawn less.’

I am willing to guess that it is a lack of awareness, not willingness. My goal for this project is to create an infographic and short animation that can be displayed on my hand-coded HTML site to share vital information about why and how the animal agriculture industry, as a result of our love for meat and cheese, is killing our planet.





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