The Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I am going to focus on the subject of the social topic of the world’s poverty.  On the first page of the website, I will explore the topic about the country of North Korea and their families in poverty. The media objects I will use vectored imagery of my drawing with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrate.

The second page of the website I am going to use a remix or mashup of several file for a brief look at the humanitarian profile of North Korea. Their total population is 24.62 million people, 18 million of those people do not consume an adequately diverse diet, and 1.8 million people are in need of specialized nutritious foods to combat malnutrition. Global chronic malnutrition rate is 27.9 percent.  Global acute malnutrition is 4%. The average life expectancy is 69.3 years. The live birth mortality rate is at 87 per 100,000 live births. The live birth mortality rate of children under 5 years old is at 27 per 1,000 live births.

On the third page, I am going to be showing something about the food insecurity and malnutrition in North Korea. This page I am going to use an infographic file to establish a cycle of the people undernutrition. Such as, the causes of malnutrition related to food inadequacy and a serious lack of food diversity. There has been a decrease in soybean, which is one of North Korea’s main sources of protein and lack of vegetable production because of three consecutive years of dry conditions. Chronic malnutrition of age 5 and under is 27.9% that is about 540,000 children. Acute malnutrition age 5 and under is 4% or 90,000 children. The consequences of inadequate diets in mothers relate to higher mortality and low birth weights of infants and children.

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