Capstone Proposal

The topic for this capstone project that is of interest is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a major issue but is often forgot about by the general public who do not face the issues everyday; this is why it is an important topic to discuss. For the overall project, an animation video along with graphs and other visuals will be provided in order to thoroughly explain this important issue.

Most people do not understand how serious and dangerous human trafficking is, and without raising awareness to help stop human trafficking, this will be a growing and continuing problem for years to come. For those who do not know the true meaning of human trafficking, it is when humans are traded back and forth as if they were not living beings. They are usually traded for labor and sexual slavery but there are also other disturbing things that come along with human trafficking. People who are victims of human trafficking need our help to an end to this and to bring them home safe to their families.

After doing some research, it is clear that human trafficking has been an issue for quite some time. Without awareness victims will not get the help they need. Keep in mind how the families of these victims must feel. If someone you loved was in danger due to human trafficking, you wouldn’t hesitate to help.


Capstone project blog

Cody King
For my capstone project I am going to focus on the incarceration rate in the US. I will be pointing out the problems with the system and comparing it to other countries incarceration rates. I will be doing these things to help illustrate the magnitude of the issue. I might also try and suggest some possible solutions to the issue, and I could also have a call to action in the project. I will create an info-graphic for the project to showcase some of the information in a colorful and eye-catching way. The second media object that I will include in my capstone project is a remixed video to animate some specific part of the topic.

capstone project

the subject matter that i will be talking about for my Capstone project will be about Gloving is not a crime which is a campaign for the ban of gloving in music festivals and other music events. Gloving, among other forms of light shows such as Orbitals and flow poi’s became incredibly popular among rave and festival goers all over the United States in the early 2000’s. Over the last few years, however, the understanding of gloving shifted from a genre of art to a hazardous drug-related activity by many government officials.

More often than not, light shows are given while sitting down. when there is a large number of light shows happening at an event with an even larger number of attendees sitting down to enjoy them, fire marshals see it as a fire hazard. it also did not help that many government officials saw the act of gloving to be hand-in-hand with drug issues often associated with rave culture. This rapid shift resulted in the ban of gloving at many major music festivals including those run by Insomniac Events.

For those who have tried to keep the culture of gloving alive and well, there have been numerous instances riddled with heavy-handed consequences.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Gloving shouldn’t be consider as a crime <a href=””>#glovingisnotacrime</a></p>&mdash; Cmpblast (@cmpblast) <a href=”″>April 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>there are still numerous instances of people facing heavy-handed consequences just because of gloving. <a href=””>#glovingisnotacrime</a></p>&mdash; Cmpblast (@cmpblast) <a href=”″>April 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>fire marshals see gloving as a fire hazard. but where is the evidence that say that they are a fire hazard? <a href=””>#glovingisnotacrime</a></p>&mdash; Cmpblast (@cmpblast) <a href=”″>April 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>many government officials saw the act of gloving to be hand-in-hand with drug issues. why is this a act of gloving? <a href=””>#glovingisnotacrime</a></p>&mdash; Cmpblast (@cmpblast) <a href=”″>April 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>the gloving community as a culture has resulted in the ban of gloving at many major music festivals based on the past. <a href=””>#glovingisnotacrime</a></p>&mdash; Cmpblast (@cmpblast) <a href=”″>April 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

The Covered Bridges of Oregon

The Covered Bridges of Oregon

In every healthy culture there are words and artifacts that are kept, or held over from the past. They are like mile stones that identify the distance that the changes in everyday life have made over time. Whether the held over words or artifacts as small as buttons or as large as buildings they are all archaisms. Small and medium sized objects can be stored and displayed in shadowboxes on the wall or in cases in museums. Larger objects such a buildings cannot be collected into one place but have to be visited.

First descriptions of covered bridges date from the 14th century. They are made of trusses, wooden beams, attached together to form triangles that have proved effective in supporting traffic over travel hazards including rivers and gullies. This effective support configuration is protected from weather by being covered with siding and a roof, thus providing the reason for the name of this distinctive bridge.

Oregon is blessed in that there are a number of preserved covered bridges within a short distance from I-5 between the Cascade Mountains and the Pacific Coast including the Coastal Range heights. The fact that these structures were needed and continued use much later in time has allowed them to exist until restoration and preservation groups could gather to ensure their continued maintenance.

I will construction of a histograph of several covered bridges along the I-5 through Oregon state and a short video of how the structures were built.

Brianna Rizzi Capstone Project

My capstone will cover the subject of the accidents and health problem stemming from using smartphones too long. Technology has come a long way from being too expensive to be a household product to easy access from the palm of your hand. This advancement in human technology, although great, it comes with the bad (the saying “too much of a good thing can become bad” comes to mind). Some people become so obsessed with their smartphones that they can’t seem to keep away from them for a long period of time, even leading to mental/physical issues and accidents. Accidents include bikers texting while on their motorcycles (this includes drivers and bicycle riders), people walking while glued to their screens and dropping phones on their face while reading in bed. Using smartphones too much for too long can cause eye problems that potentially leads to blindness, to a condition where excessive use of smart devices can lead to pains to the wrists and hands and even problems to our neck and spine.

I’m going to make an animation, maybe a character that gets into similar situations as those who get into smartphone related accidents, along with texts that show percentages of accidents that happen. I’ll also add in an info-graphic file that show these situations, physical and mental (social too?). Info-graphic will be more informational than the animation, the animation will just show examples of these issues that come from excessive use of smartphones, which will tie in with the whole theme of the website that will center around my subject.