Binge Viewing

For my Capstone project I will be focusing my efforts on how binge viewing is changing television and entertainment. Binge viewing is a recent phenomenon that has emerged thanks to increased high speed internet access and services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and even YouTube. Binge viewing is often classified as watching at least 2 episodes of the same show back to back, but this number is normally much higher. It can sometimes be defined as watching multiple series back to back, especially when it comes to media that is much shorter than a traditional television show such as on YouTube. Since binge viewing has become the popular and even preferred option, the television industry has been in a period of massive adaptation to keep up with changing interests and demands. Everything from the type of shows being produced, to the way the shows are written, and the numbers of episodes per season, are being revamped in order to appeal to a new audience of viewers. Have you ever wondered how or why streaming services continuously create and develop shows that are instant hits?

In order to convey all of this information, I am going to create a series of infographics highlighting the changes, and growing pains, that this industry is currently experiencing. I think a small series will help highlight the different changes that are happening that do not necessarily relate to each other, as well as separate the different services and what they are specifically doing themselves. For my second choice, I am going to create a video remix that captures the different feelings we get through the act of binge viewing.

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