Alcoholism and its affect on families

I’m going to be focusing my capstone project on alcoholism. More specifically on the effects parental alcoholism can have on a family & friends – how spouses and children are impacted. This is something that affects a large amount of the population and something that I feel needs to be addressed – especially with the growing amount of binge drinking happening in college environments. This project will also be a closer look at recovery rates, things to be on the lookout for when suspecting someone is going down a slippery slope, and how to help a recovering addict.

I would like to present the statistics on how alcoholism can have a huge impact on a child – mentally, physically, and emotionally. How and alcoholic can affect friends’ and family’s lives. As well as how much of a detriment it can be for the actual person experiencing alcoholism. As a society, we often forget the looming possibility of addiction that alcoholism can present. In the days of brew fest and wine tastings, it’s really easy to indulge and just as easy to push away symptoms of something more sinister.

One of my 2 medias will be an infographic that break down the facts about alcoholism: how many alcoholics there are in the U.S., how often they go to treatment, rates of recovery, etc. as well as how the side effects and symptoms of alcoholism. The second will be a mashup of videos that look at alcoholism further – recovery videos, people talking about things they did while drunk, friends & family members effected by alcoholism.

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