Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I decided the topic I would focus on will be homelessness. I chose this topic because living so close to Portland,I have grown up around seeing many homeless people, sometimes a whole block of them. I  also chose this topic because of the charities that help the homeless, whether it be with food, shelter, donating toiletries, or even charities that provide “makeovers” for homeless people have always interested me and I am excited to really research it for the project. Homelessness is also both a social and cultural topic because many people and many cultures view being homeless differently. I plan to create an info-graphic and a mashup video that show the statistics of homeless people in the US and close to our home, Portland. The info-graphic will provide many facts about homelessness, including what percentage have had jobs before, the average age rage, and how many plan to get back on their feet one day. The info-graphic will also answer common questions about the homeless. The mashup video will provide an inside look into the lives of homeless people. The mashup will also give new perspectives to the audience about what homeless people experience in their everyday life, and the struggles and thoughts they go through daily. Both of my chosen medias relate to my website because they will be showing facts and truths behind homelessness. My website will be focused on getting the audience to view homelessness differently and also giving them ways to help.

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