Gun violence affecting kids and teens

For my capstone project, I have decided to discuss gun violence in America. Specifically, I would like to focus on gun violence as it affects children and teens. On average over 111,000 people are shot yearly, and this is just in America. 17,000 of this total number are children and teens. 2,624 of these kids (ages 0-19) die from their wounds. Through the use of a main website page (home page) an infographic, and an animation, I will discuss the different gun safety factors and how they could be implemented to provide a safer environment for children. These will include locking up guns, in high out of reach places. As well as looking at the opinion that houses where children live should not own guns.
One of my media objects will be an infographic. There is a lot of statistics that I can use to create an in-depth infographic that will display the information in a way that will make sense. I will include daily statistics as well as yearly statistics.
For my second media object, I will create an animation using after effects. Since the infographic focused on more of the statistic side of gun violence, the animation will focus more on preventive measures. This will provide a different point of view from the infographic while still maintaining a cohesive unit through the website.

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