Pets Without Research

For my project I am thinking about talking about something sort of “animal rights”-ish, but specifically I want to address two problems. First of all, I want to talk about the purchase of animals as gifts, especially small or exotic animals. I would like to address how surprising somebody with an animal as a gift can not only be stressful to the receiver, but can be very detrimental to the animal in question, and can lead to an unhappy relationship between animal and caretaker- if it doesn’t ultimately end in abandonment. I will probably focus my attention on Christmas and Easter a lot, since you have a lot of trouble arising when people think getting chicks and bunnies for the holidays is a good idea.

It ties in to the second and primary thing I want to talk about, which is purchasing pets without doing research (or buying for your kids without research!) You can probably get buy having a dog or a cat without extensive research, but other types of small animals all have really specific needs that people don’t really think about, like rabbits and fish for example. I mentioned that bunnies are targeted a lot at Easter, and they are not low maintenance animals and most people are not prepared for the work that has to go into them. Fish are another good example because there are a lot of misconceptions about how you care for certain types of fish, especially concerning take maintenance. I think I would probably like to do an infographic and an animation or some sort of video. However, I don’t know how I want to break up my information yet.







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