Technology and Education

For my Capstone website project, I will be discussing the benefits of advancing technology and education, and the untapped potential of current technology in schools. My focus will primarily be on video games, AR, and VR. I will be looking into the use of evolving software and social media in schools as well as other types of, perhaps more obscure technology that can be used in for general education. I’ve looked into this subject a bit in the past, especially in regards to educational reform. A lot of my existing knowledge comes from the Extra Credits informational YouTube videos and some game theory books, such as How to do Things with Video Games by Ian Bogost. I’m interested in expanding this knowledge to include relevant real world examples as well as researching other types of technology.

On my website, I plan to create an infographic using statistics about my subject as well as an animation expanding further upon the subject, including facts, examples, and conclusions drawn from my own research. I plan to have the infographic and animation tie in, without being redundant.

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