Capstone Project Proposal

I want to do my project on personal digital privacy and security. I’m not talking about huge hacks of major corporations or government’s looking into people’s communications as it is about individuals being smart and safe in their use of technology. Every time we use a device or the internet we run the risk of being attacked. These attacks can come from the opposite side of the globe or someone in the same room. I work in an IT department and see the effects of these attacks all the time. The good thing is, there are some relatively easy steps users can take to keep themselves and there information more secure. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to be technically savvy, many of these tools and techniques are just based around common sense. For example, passwords are meant to protect much of our data, but many people use the same password for all their accounts, never update them, and pick ones that are easy to guess.

To communicate these ideas, I am going to provide statistics and information regarding different types of attacks as well as measures users can take to protect themselves. This information will live inside two media objects, hosted on a website that encompasses the entire project. One of these media objects will be an info-graphic, created in Adobe Illustrator. The other will be a video, most likely showing footage from computer screen with a voice over to augment what’s happening on screen, similar to an instructional video. The video will be hosted on Vimeo and embedded in one of the webpages on the site.

PS. The twitter handle I created for this project is @digsecurity101

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