Capstone Project: Cultural Differences In Business Environments

The topic that I chose for my Capstone Project is present day cultural differences in business environments. For many individuals who work for/with multinational companies, learning how to anticipate and adapt to cultural differences within foreign countries’ corporate settings is a vital and necessary skill to possess. From obvious differences such as verbal language barriers and outward presentations such as dress and attire standards to more nuanced contrasts such as body language and social ques, each culture possesses a set of norms and expectations that are expected to be recognized and followed by both locals and visitors alike. My website topic will delve into some of these general workplace behaviors and expectations in a broad manner, designed to inform a casual reader. The information presented is neither new nor groundbreaking, but it is a cultural/social topic that holds increasing relevance as more companies and businesses are widening their global operations than ever before. The site is not intended to nor will it include any commentary or opinion on the topic, but rather will act as more of an informational resource. My two media objects consist of an infographic and a short video. The remix is shaping up to cover the topic broadly, while the infographic will be more narrowed in focus and contrasting in content. The remix video will probably have a small amount of animated content. The site layout will comprise of 4 pages (an introductory page, a video page, an infographic and text content page, and a source page).



Sundwall Capstone

Elephants have been my favorite animal from a young age. Family members at a loss for birthday and Christmas gifts have been buying me elephant figurines for years. My childhood bedroom was decorated with pictures and stuffed animals of elephants. Naturally, the endangerment of Elephants is an issue that is close to my heart. For my capstone project I will be creating an infographic and animation to raise awareness of the endangerment of elephants. I have created a twitter account that posts elephants facts and links to relevant elephant conservation websites. Elephant endangerment is fueled by habitat loss, poaching, and elephant-human conflicts. Elephants are poached for their ivory, to create trinkets and sculptures, and their skin, to create salves and key chains. Elephants are losing their habitat to farming and infrastructure, and as their habitat is infringed upon, conflicts between elephants and humans increase. There are fewer than 50,000 asian elephants remaining in the wild, and 415,000 african elephants in the wild. Therefore, asian elephants are in greater danger of becoming extinct. My infographic will include general information on elephants, such as their 22 month gestation period, the longest of any mammal, and facts about the threats that elephants face in Asia and Africa. The infographic will also include information on conservation of elephants, and how the reader can help preserve these majestic creatures. I will then animate the infographic to create an informative video on the subject. Animations may include the elephants moving text with their trunks, and ears flapping.

My Capstone Project – Wyatt

My capstone project will cover the controversial issue of deforestation and the effects of deforestation on the environment. For this project I will try to get across all of the important information on this topic in the form of a remixed video and a custom infographic covering a few key topics on this growing issue.

Deforestation has quite a few ripple effects that impact us everyday. For example soil erosion, green house gas accumulation, and can even disrupt the earths water cycles. These effects can damage our way of life as we know it, if this problem is not addressed.

The remixed video I will be creating will go over all of the deforestation stages showing before and after footage of areas destroyed by deforestation. My infographic will go over more of the statistical information and provide accurate numbers in areas most effected by deforestation and what the specific impacts to those areas are.

Capstone Project – Saunders

My capstone project will discuss the growth of 3D printing in the last decade both as a cultural phenomenon and as a new tool used in design and manufacturing. In my infographic, I’ll go over the different types of 3D printing and the fundamentals behind them.

3D printing typically begins with a digital 3D model, which is then uploaded to a 3D printer. The 3D printer interprets the model and lays down material one layer at a time until a full 3-dimensional part is completed.

The two types of media I will be using include an infographic and a video. The infographic will briefly cover the mechanics and principles behind how 3D printing works, the advantages, the challenges, and so forth. The video will explore how 3D printing is being applied in the world today by companies and by individuals.

Capstone Project – Fair Trade Clothing

The garment industry is global, and it is one of the most unethical and unsustainable industries in today’s society. As a 1.2 trillion dollar industry globally, fashion can do better. We, as consumers, have the ability to make choices the empower and protect our people and our planet by putting a stop to fast fashion and making fair-trade purchases. Fast fashion is the concept of large corporations creating over 52 different style “seasons”, consistently marketing the need for new, inexpensive clothing to the masses. This idea has resulted in the demand for cheap materials and cheap labor, and both of those things mean that farmers and workers in foreign countries are paying the price with their livelihood and, sometimes, even with their lives. Fair trade companies ensure that everyone down the chain of production- from the farmers planting crops for the material to the artisans sewing the clothes by hand- is compensated fairly, protected from harmful toxins, and provided a safe and empowering way of life.

To help inform people of the injustices imposed by the fashion industry, as well as how they can make more ethical clothing choices, I will be creating an infographic file to help convey statistics that are vital to the issue. To help illustrate and personalize the issues, I will be making a remix video that highlights some of the working conditions, industry catastrophes (such as the avoidable Rana Plaza collapse that killed 1,100 workers), and what free-trade clothing companies are doing to combat the issues.

Capstone Project

My Capstone Project is going to be on the similarities and changes of characters from Marvel comics to Marvel movies. These Marvel characters have had almost six decades of inspiration for the movies released in the last 13 years, yet there are still small and obvious changes in personality, design or abilities. I am going to point out these for the characters of Spider-man, Wolverine (Logan), and Iron Man. With so many years of material, characters, and story lines, I do not see these movies losing steam anytime soon.

I am going to use an infopgraphic, remix video and a website to show the viewer the aforementioned concepts. The twitter handle I created for this project is “MARVELous_Info1”, with the below tweets pertaining to the information. Let’s see how many changes we can find.