Capstone Project: Cultural Differences In Business Environments

The topic that I chose for my Capstone Project is present day cultural differences in business environments. For many individuals who work for/with multinational companies, learning how to anticipate and adapt to cultural differences within foreign countries’ corporate settings is a vital and necessary skill to possess. From obvious differences such as verbal language barriers and outward presentations such as dress and attire standards to more nuanced contrasts such as body language and social ques, each culture possesses a set of norms and expectations that are expected to be recognized and followed by both locals and visitors alike. My website topic will delve into some of these general workplace behaviors and expectations in a broad manner, designed to inform a casual reader. The information presented is neither new nor groundbreaking, but it is a cultural/social topic that holds increasing relevance as more companies and businesses are widening their global operations than ever before. The site is not intended to nor will it include any commentary or opinion on the topic, but rather will act as more of an informational resource. My two media objects consist of an infographic and a short video. The remix is shaping up to cover the topic broadly, while the infographic will be more narrowed in focus and contrasting in content. The remix video will probably have a small amount of animated content. The site layout will comprise of 4 pages (an introductory page, a video page, an infographic and text content page, and a source page).



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