My Capstone Project – Wyatt

My capstone project will cover the controversial issue of deforestation and the effects of deforestation on the environment. For this project I will try to get across all of the important information on this topic in the form of a remixed video and a custom infographic covering a few key topics on this growing issue.

Deforestation has quite a few ripple effects that impact us everyday. For example soil erosion, green house gas accumulation, and can even disrupt the earths water cycles. These effects can damage our way of life as we know it, if this problem is not addressed.

The remixed video I will be creating will go over all of the deforestation stages showing before and after footage of areas destroyed by deforestation. My infographic will go over more of the statistical information and provide accurate numbers in areas most effected by deforestation and what the specific impacts to those areas are.

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