Sundwall Capstone

Elephants have been my favorite animal from a young age. Family members at a loss for birthday and Christmas gifts have been buying me elephant figurines for years. My childhood bedroom was decorated with pictures and stuffed animals of elephants. Naturally, the endangerment of Elephants is an issue that is close to my heart. For my capstone project I will be creating an infographic and animation to raise awareness of the endangerment of elephants. I have created a twitter account that posts elephants facts and links to relevant elephant conservation websites. Elephant endangerment is fueled by habitat loss, poaching, and elephant-human conflicts. Elephants are poached for their ivory, to create trinkets and sculptures, and their skin, to create salves and key chains. Elephants are losing their habitat to farming and infrastructure, and as their habitat is infringed upon, conflicts between elephants and humans increase. There are fewer than 50,000 asian elephants remaining in the wild, and 415,000 african elephants in the wild. Therefore, asian elephants are in greater danger of becoming extinct. My infographic will include general information on elephants, such as their 22 month gestation period, the longest of any mammal, and facts about the threats that elephants face in Asia and Africa. The infographic will also include information on conservation of elephants, and how the reader can help preserve these majestic creatures. I will then animate the infographic to create an informative video on the subject. Animations may include the elephants moving text with their trunks, and ears flapping.

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