Fashion & Sustainability

Fast fashion’s effects on the globe, as well as its’ effects on the creativity of designers has ravaged us for a long time. Fast fashion takes trends set forth by designers, and often creates duplicate versions of them in a less sustainable manner. What is the price that one pays when buying into a cheapened alternative to the original? Although the more affordable price point is alluring to our society — it exploits overseas workers, is environmentally unsustainable, and often takes credit for the work of independent designers, offering them little to no monetary compensation.

I chose this subject because fashion is my future career path, and as a young designer, I care about the protection of creativity in the industry. Alongside this, as a young adult, I care about the sustainability of our planet.

My two media objects that I will be creating for this final project will be a visually appealing infographic with bold, minimal imagery, and a remix video that will be subjected about eco-friendly, ethically-made, sustainable fashion. The remix video that I will be creating will be similar to a short fashion film. Although fashion films generally have been used to sell products from designers and brands, my fashion film/remix video will focus on implementing imagery and videos that ‘sell’ the purpose of making sustainable choices, overall focusing on the choices that we make pertaining our wardrobe. The infographic will be striking, and relaying a minimal color scheme, bringing in accents of a dark holly green in order to emphasize my direction relating to sustainable fashion. These two media objects will relate to the underlying, minimal, visually compelling theme formatted throughout the website I will be creating for this project.

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