Capstone Project Proposal – Net Neutrality and Internet of Things

My capstone project will focus on the impacts of Net Neutrality and what it means if the FCC continues with its plan to remove the Title II protections put in place on February 2015. The direction my project will take is one of protecting Net Neutrality and keeping the internet place to communicate freely. Also covered by this project will be the impact that the growing network of the Internet of Things is having on our society. I want to explore this topic by creating either an animation or infographic showing how internet content is delivered to your computer. An initial idea for this would be a step-by-step sequence with a computer screen with content displayed then having the cursor move and interact with the content by clicking on the page. This would then start the process of tracing the actions required to send and receive the requested information. Similar to an animated infographic from Google showing how video is sent to your computer when explaining possible interruptions to service. For my remix video I will create a mash-up of news reports on the growing sector of the Internet of Things (IoT). This will include clips from news stories, reviews, and trade show presentations to show a variety of topics. The video will help define what the IoT is and how it will have a growing impact in our daily lives. This can then be tied back to Net Neutrality and the importance of internet security when engaging with the devices in our everyday lives.

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