The Capstone: A Day On Mars

The thought of leaving Earth and traveling to another planet is quite a cumbersome thought. We have seen many ideas about the journey to Mars, and the struggles of going off into the unknown, but I want to focus on something a little different. Instead, I want to focus on the individual experiences people will have after landing on mars. This will include both the technical struggles people will experience, as well the mental struggles associated with living in such a foreign place. I will probably incorporate a mirroring of the cultural shock that people often experience in visiting a foreign locale.

To present the thoughts of living in the great beyond, I will create a website that includes two different mediums of delivery. The first medium will be an info-graphic about the technical difficulties associated with living on Mars. An info-graphic would be effective in communicating this information because it could act as a “manual to living on Mars.” It would mimic the style of ads from the 1950’s. This would create an image that is both visually compelling, and relatable in form.

Assembling the feelings people would have interacting in a foreign space may prove harder to portray, but I predict that a remix video could do an effective job. A remix video would showcase news footage about living on mars, and the discoveries associated with those endeavors. Also, incorporating clips from movies about life on mars would yield an interesting cross play of perspectives. This blending of a technical based info-graphic, and a personal themed remix video would help viewers grasp what life may look like beyond the stars.

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