Machine Learning and Big Data Capstone- Joscha Oswald

We are at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. It has been caused by our rapid technological jumps. A big part of these technological jumps are big data and machine learning.  This means the giant flow of information we create can be used to train computers to be able to compute more complicated tasks. The website I will create will present how these two fields big data and machine learning affect our society and can change our future.

The two media objects I will be using are an infographic and a remixed video. These will work to tell two stories of this new technological revolution. The infographic will provide facts and figures to show how relevant and important this technology is. It will work to show the power and ubiquitous of machine learning and big data. It explores the rational side of the topic.  The remixed video will tell the story and possibilities of big data and machine learning, by showing experts and videos of what in our world will change. This will be the more emotional side of the information. These media objects work in together to show a complete picture of machine learning and big data.

Machine learning and big data already have big impacts on our society. For example, big data has put privacy on the brink. It will affect every part of our lives from our work to how we shop. Big data and machine learning will work together to drastically change our world. This website will work to explore this impact.






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