Andrew Nevue – Capstone project on smoking and vaping issues

My capstone project will focus on current issues of vaping and smoking, more specifically on one’s health and smoking in public. My grandpa died just over two years ago from lung cancer after being a lifelong smoker. Even though he was a doctor and knew that smoking was bad, but he was so addicted that he could not quit. After decades of knowing the harmful effects of smoking, there are still a large number of cigarette smokers. A new trend that is just as harmful is the use of electronic cigarettes, often known as vaping. Vaping products are so new that not much is known about the chemicals in them or even if they are a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. When people puff their cigarettes and vape pens in public, that not only presents a risk to them but also the community. Secondhand smoke is a serious issue. Breathing in the cloud of chemicals from the person in front of you can cause serious problems, even lung cancer.

In addition to the website, I am planning on creating an infographic and a Remixed video. The infographic will provide statistics and other important information, while the video will do that in a visual format with intense visuals. When I was in kindergarten, there was a clay, stop-motion commercial about kids smoking. Their faces started to rot soon after smoking and that image has always stuck with me. I will try to find other compelling videos like that and videos centered around smoking in public along with secondhand smoke such as news videos and studies. These media objects will work together to provide facts to back up my arguments and educate viewers.

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