Capstone Project- Cruelty Free Cosmetics

My capstone project will be about animal testing for cosmetics and why it should be eliminated. In the beauty industry, there are many different options and brands when it comes to makeup and skin care. You can pay for a prestigious brand or a drug store brand, however which ones are cruelty free? The stigma around the price point of a product determines if it is cruelty free or not. The most general theory for this is the higher the price the more likely to be cruelty free. However, this is far from the truth. Although, animal testing for cosmetics isn’t performed primarily in America, it is required by law if sold in China. Some companies would rather have the greed of selling their products in Chinese market, then to be a cruelty free brand. Animals should not have to suffer and be put to death for the vanity of humans.

To present these ideas and further them, I am planning on creating an infographic. This infographic will represent percentages of companies that are cruelty free to ones that are not, the decrease or increase in animal testing and ways to eliminate animal testing. I also plan on creating a video remix to relay my message, this will include brands, advocates and the harsh reality that is cosmetics tested on animals.

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