Capstone Project: Fair Trade Clothing

My capstone project will be on fair trade sewing and the ethical treatment of foreign sewing workers. Have you ever wondered why you are able to go to a store and buy a shirt for, sometimes, less then $5? or maybe there is a BOGO or a large clearance on items? How exactly is it possible to gather all that fabric, get the shirt designed, then sewn, packaged, and shipped across the world, and still only cost $5?  the truth is, there is a larger cost; a cost much greater then $5, and there are people out there in the world paying for that cost.  most companies today practice foreign clothing labor, due to its high economical value; however, by doing so, they are alienating and demoralizing humans around the globe.  certain companies today are staring to take a stand against this business practice.  by learning to value the clothing we buy, and by adopting a quality over quantity mindset, we can help create a sustainable living for the people who make the clothes that we often take for granted.

For this project, I will be making an infographic to demonstrate the benefits of fair trade clothing, and how it can still be a high grossing economical asset.  on top of that, I will create a remix video showing the current cruel state of “sweat shops”, and how we can benefit from adopting the fair trade culture. I will use references from companies like Patagonia and Everlane. these two media pieces will be housed on a custom website using WordPress.

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